Chips Heart · 02/12/2021

Wood chips & heart

The word vulnerable or fragile is easy to associate with fragments. And fragments often mean waste.

I choose wood to represent life because I think wood is alive like human beings. As time grows from small to large, it retains the temperature of life. (if I did it again, I would choose a longer piece of wood to represent life)

Chips are cleared away as waste, just like meaningless life passes away. The chips I cut symbolize my past, and cutting represents injury. Reassembling chips represents comfort to the heart.

  1. Compressed wood: no chips
  2. Pinewood: too soft
  3. Beechwood: too hard
  4. Limewood: moderate
    If the wood is too soft, it will be easy to carve, but the surface is rough. If the wood is too hard, the surface is smooth, but the chips are small and thin. I also tried different knives.